Facing Fears

I’m somewhat of a daredevil. I’ve been skydiving, flown with the blue Angels, even drove a NASCAR at the Richard Petty School. As you can tell – I definitely like to take risks. Heck, I packed up my Volkswagen Jetta and moved cross-country 4 times: Montana, New Hampshire, Arizona, and Indiana. And for the most part the reward has always been greater than the risk. But there has been times I have fallen flat on my face.

For my birthday my sister, Marcia bought me a class at the Trapeze School of NY (I have a pretty cool sister, don’t I?). Needless to say I was excited. Another thing I can check off my bucket list. Marcia was taking the class too. She’s not as daring as her older sister, so of course she sent me up the ladder first. I’m not going to lie, I was scared; my heart was racing and my hands were sweating. As I reached out for the bar, my toes hanging over the platform 30 feet above the ground, I asked myself: “What the heck am I doing?” I actually told the guy holding on to me I didn’t want to do it. He told me I can do it and with a little bit of encouragement, I jumped. Because what was the worst thing that could happen, I fall? There was a net below me in case that did happen. It was exhilarating. By the end of class I was able to reach out, let go and catch one of my instructors.

Marcia is an old pro!

I did it!


As for my sister, she’s afraid of heights (she decided to share this information with us as she was slowly going up the ladder) and at first refused to go. BUT eventually she faced her fear and did it. I was so proud. She actually went 4 more times and did “the catch” too! She told me after she was very happy I made her do it.


For me, trapeze School is metaphor of my life. Sometimes you have to just jump and be confident that if you don’t make the catch, you will be ok because you have a great safety net below you. Facing your fears is scary but I encourage everyone to find the strength and just JUMP!

"The Catch"

Category: Uncategorized

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